
  • New product development requires a thorough understanding of the needs of the customer as well as a thorough understanding of what is possible with material and manufacturing variables. Cutabolt depends on ASP Plastics to provide this expertise.The coalmines are constantly looking for ways to reduce costs and remain competitive in the international coal market. One of these cost savings has come from moving from the use of plywood bearing plates to plastic plates. These plates are used to transfer the stress from the coal seam to the rock bolt and may need to be able to withstand loads in excess of 5 tonnes and should continue to provide restraint even after the maximum capacity has been passed. That is they should distort rather than crack.Through a process of design modification and material evaluation ASP has been able to provide Cutabolt with a plastic bearing plate to meet these needs. The use of re-grind has kept the cost down while the choice of polymer and grade, although at face value unconventional, has produced a plate that is superior to anything else on the market.

    The close working relationship between ASP Plastics and Cutabolt (including underground visits to coal mines by ASP personnel!) has been a real win-win situation

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